Winter at Riley Family Farms + Save $30 on Your Next RFF Order

“So what do you do in the off season?”

Each year we are asked the same question over and over- by friends, family, or new acquaintances who have just heard that we farm: “So, do things slow down for you in the winter?” When we are working nearly around the clock in the middle of summer all while raising kids and trying to keep up with friends and family- though we love what we do, we want to call it the “busy season” and we want to tell ourselves “things will slow down for us in the winter.” The truth, which you have probably already guessed, is that things do not slow down for us in the winter. But things change. The busyness shifts and new priorities take the place of the ones we set aside for the season when the last meat birds are processed at the end of November.

As farmers, we embrace the changing seasons with open arms. The cool autumn breezes bring welcome relief to our sunburned skin and we watch the beauty of the falling leaves with glad hearts. When winter comes we see the decaying plant matter and animal waste and are amazed again at the knowledge that, while the earth appears to have died for the season, it is in reality brimming with life- that very decay is feeding our soil, just waiting for the warmth of spring to unveil it's masterpiece of green. And we enter the Riley Family Farms winter: we improve, we innovate, and we eat soup made from the chicken we've stored up in the freezer.

Winter for our farm will end next week when our first chicks of the season go into the brooder. Here is a glimpse of some of what we have been up to since our last birds went through the processor late last fall:


We have spent countless hours over the past few months planning and strategizing on how to have an even better year this year. We repeatedly sit down together to zoom out and look at the big picture, focusing on our vision and values- then we zoom back in and make sure we are applying those to every area of our farm. One thing we love about being a family business- particularly with such a large family- is that we have so many perspectives to bring to the team meeting table (which often doubles as the dinner table!). We can’t wait to share what we have in store for this year- and we need your help to make some final decisions!

Construction and Maintenance

In addition to seasonal maintenance and cleaning, we are adding two more chick brooders to our farm this year and upgrading our movable on pasture shelters. Caleb has been a busy man this winter between site prep, building, and the inevitable trips to the local hardware store for that one forgotten item. This is one of the kid’s favorite things to be involved in and an area where the older ones have learned to be a huge help. At this rate we have just a few more winters before Addie will be heading up the construction while Caleb supervises with a cup of coffee!

Caring for Animals

Daily chores don't ever take vacation! While we don't have meat chickens on pasture during the coldest parts of the year, we have plenty of other animals keeping us busy. There is no grass growing in the dead of winter, so the cows and sheep need lots of fresh hay. While Les may sometimes wish he could sleep in on a frigid February morning, this is really a blessing as it gives farmer and animal an opportunity to reconnect in a way that doesn't happen while they are self-serve from their all-you-can-eat grass buffet during most of the year!


As part of our commitment to sustainable and regenerative agriculture, as well as respect for the chicken as a creature, we work hard to make the most of every part of the bird. The “waste” produced as a byproduct of brooding and processing thousands of chickens each year is no joke- but at Riley Family Farms, there is no such thing as waste! Our compost system turns it all into accessible nutrients to spread back on the field, improving our soil and growing lush forage for our chickens as well as produce for our family to enjoy. This year we have been excited to work with other local farmers to learn more about the science of turning our brooder cleanout into the best dirt in north Mississippi.

Cooking (and eating!)

Winter is the time for all the cozy meals and we can’t wait to share what Christy has been making on our YouTube channel tomorrow!


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New on YouTube- Learn to Make Chicken Bone Broth [Easy + Delicious!]