2024 Season Sneak Peek + 3 Things that Haven’t Changed at RFF
First batch completed, a new flock in the brooder, and a full restock of your favorite cuts… it's an exciting week here at the farm!
With our seven week old chickens growing faster than expected on the pasture at Eudora, our first poultry processing day of the season is... today! We have been working so hard all year pouring blood (thankfully not too much of this!), sweat (gallons!) and even a few tears into these chickens. When raised in huge, climate controlled buildings and gorged on GMO grains, chicken can be produced year round- but our birds are raised on pasture, free to exercise their God-given nature in foraging for bugs and plants while building up the health of our land. They're given the opportunity to experience the natural changes in weather the way chickens have since the beginning of time, while also being given appropriate means to shelter by us, the farmers. This partnership between farmer and animal is one of the things that sets a regenerative approach to farming apart from the big producers that bring you the products you find in the typical grocery store, and it is why we are more than ok with our chicken being a seasonal product.
The Breakfast From The Grocer Problem: 5 Ways Our Food System Hurts Us
Aldo Leopold was a twentieth century conservationist and masterly writer of A Sand County Almanac, a book practically overflowing with thought provoking observations. One of his most well known quotes addresses the “spiritual (relating to or affecting the human spirit) dangers” of not owning a farm:
“There are two spiritual dangers in not owning a farm. One is the danger of supposing that breakfast comes from the grocery, and the other that heat comes from the furnace.”
It is the first of these dangers I want to discuss today.
Meal Plan: Two Ways to Use Your RFF Flock Share Box
One of the greatest privileges for us as farmers is being trusted for the incredibly important role of providing nutritious food to our mid-south neighbors, and with just about 2 months left before the first boxes hit your freezers, I wondered what exactly eight Riley Family Farms chickens might look like for our subscribers. This led me to putting together these RFF Flock Share sample meal plans, and of course I’m making them available to you! Because every family is different, I’ve created two alternative menus.
Best Ever Chicken Salad made with Pastured Chicken {Printable recipe}
With everyone extra busy, it’s important to keep healthy, homemade foods on hand that can be grabbed from the fridge and eaten quickly. Luckily, Christy’s chicken salad is the best ever. Christy loves to serve quality, nutritious foods whether it’s for a crowd at the Church potluck or a few hungry farmers coming in for a late lunch. Her pastured chicken salad is perfect for either, and she took the time to share the recipe for you to try at home.
Hummus with Pastured Raised Chicken Broth— New Video on YouTube
New on YouTube this week, Riley Mom Christy is sharing the recipe for her amazing hummus. This is truly some the best hummus I have ever had, and it is surprisingly quick and easy to make. Perfect for a mid-afternoon snack or as a side dish with dinner- once you taste it, you will be making it as often as possible!
{YouTube} Flu Buster Soup with Pastured Chicken— DELICIOUS Recipe
On our latest video, learn how to make a soup that is as delicious as it is nutrient-packed and soothing.
When seasonal sickness hits, you can be sure Riley Mom Christy will be serving up bowls of pure comfort in the form of flu-buster soup made from our pastured chicken. Don't let the name- or the health benefits- deceive you! This soup makes an excellent cozy dinner anytime. With its rich homemade broth and lots of veggies, this soup brings amazing immune support in a package that will have you coming back for seconds (and thirds!)
Growing Season Begins + 3 Things RFF Chicks Get on Day One
Wedneday was one of our favorite days on the farm- the day our first flock of chicks arrived!
Moving our first chicks into the brooder marks the official start of the Riley Family Farms poultry production season. We take a break from growing meat birds during our short Mississippi winter, so that means our brooders and on-field shelters are empty between late November and mid-February. This year our first flock of six hundred day old chicks arrived on Valentines Day.
The Long Road Back to Where we Started
Les and Christy Riley were married in May, 1986. Today Les and Christy have been blessed with almost 38 years of marriage. Along the way, they became born again Christians, and were blessed to give birth to nine children - and adopt three more! Our values are rooted in our god given duties as Christians, and our family is the heart of our farm and business, with everyone contributing in ways both large and small to our mission to build a better Mid South.
Take Our Survey [and Get $30 Off Your Next Purchase!]
We have spent countless hours this winter brainstorming as a family/ business about how we can improve and grow. Our goal is to better serve our community and fulfill our mission to build a better midsouth- and our customers are our valuable partners in this mission.
Winter at Riley Family Farms + Save $30 on Your Next RFF Order
Winter for our farm will end next week when our first chicks of the season go into the brooder. Here is a glimpse of some of what we have been up to since our last birds went through the processor late last fall:
New on YouTube- Learn to Make Chicken Bone Broth [Easy + Delicious!]
Christy is back in the kitchen again, and this time she is showing us how to make pastured chicken bone broth that is rich, delicious and super nutritious.
Get To Know The Riley Family Farms Family
We are growing food and we are growing children, embracing through the changing seasons the challenges and rewards, joys and difficulties that each bring.
A Special Announcement from Riley Family Farms
As was previously announced by our friends at Etta Hills Farm, Riley Family Farms, along with Les, Caleb, Ben, and the rest of the Riley Team, has decided to cordially end our agreement to operate Etta Hills Farm. As we move into our final days at Etta Hills Farm, we are excited to announce big changes for our family farm this year!
Watch Our First Youtube Video!
Exciting news - we are proud to announce the launch of our new YouTube channel! You can expect regular updates about the farm, in depth videos about our regenerative farming practices, how we are working to build a resilient rural food economy, and more!
For our first video, Riley mom Christy decided to show a family favorite dinner recipe for roasting an entire chicken.