{YouTube} Flu Buster Soup with Pastured Chicken— DELICIOUS Recipe

On our latest video, learn how to make a soup that is as delicious as it is nutrient-packed and soothing.

When seasonal sickness hits, you can be sure Riley Mom Christy will be serving up bowls of pure comfort in the form of flu-buster soup made from our pastured chicken. Don't let the name- or the health benefits- deceive you! This soup makes an excellent cozy dinner anytime. With its rich homemade broth and lots of veggies, this soup brings amazing immune support in a package that will have you coming back for seconds (and thirds!)

Watch this short tutorial, then grab some Riley Family Farms chicken and make your own pot of the best chicken soup you’ll ever eat!

Leave a comment on the video telling us how it goes, and don’t forget to subcribe to our YouTube channel !


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