FREE 32qt limited edition RTIC cooler

FREE 32qt limited edition RTIC cooler

SUPER EARLY BIRD ordering is now open for our 2024 Ultimate Pasture Raised Chicken Flock Share! Order from our first drop by February 29th to lock in our best price on chicken all year, get 10 pounds of HomePlace Pastures ground beef (valued at $90) free, and receive your first order in a limited edition 32qt RTIC cooler! Read more below.

Introducing Flock Shares for our 2024 Season!

Our Ultimate Pasture Raised Chicken Flock Share is the best way to lock in your supply of our best, freshest chicken every month through our entire growing season! Our easy subscription includes 8 monthly boxes, from May through December, each including 8 of our pasture raised chickens - that’s 28-36 pounds of chicken in every box, and 64 chickens for the entire year!

Why buy our Flock Shares?

  • OUR BEST PRICE When you subscribe to our Flock Share, you lock down your whole season’s supply at our best price!

  • OUR FRESHEST CHICKEN When you subscribe to our Flock Share, you become our highest priority customer, getting our best and most freshly processed chicken every month for our entire growing season!

  • A STEADY SUPPLY FOR THE WHOLE SEASON Our promise to our Flock Share subscribers!

  • EXCLUSIVE BENEFITS Every Flock Share subscriber in 2024 gets 10 pounds of HomePlace Pastures ground beef FREE in their first box, along with free exclusive merch and other Flock Share exclusive benefits!

  • SUPPORTS OUR FAMILY FARM When you subscribe to our Flock Share, you become an important partner in our mission to build a better Mid South food system by providing vital, predictable income!

Every Ultimate Pasture Raised Chicken Flock Share Box Includes


Why is this subscription 8 months instead of a year?

Like almost all real food, pasture raised chicken is seasonal. Our team, land, and animals take a break during the coldest months to conserve our energy for the optimal growing season, which is April through November.

Why is this subscription on farm pickup only?

Our farm was started with serving our local community in mind. While we offer local delivery on some products, in order to give y’all the lowest price we can, we’ve decided to keep our 2024 Flock Shares on farm pickup only.

Can I change the date of a fulfillment?

Yes! If you need to make a one time or recurring change to your pickup date, simply reach out to our team through our website, Instagram & Facebook, or email and we will be happy to assist you! Items can be added to your existing pickup on our online store.

Can I cancel and get a refund?

Yes! Your Flock Share purchase is 100% refundable within 72 hours of purchase. After 72 hours, your purchase is fully refundable, less the value of your first fulfillment; less the value of any incentives offered for your purchase; and less the value of all fulfillments already received, if any.